Monday, April 5, 2010

4/3 through 4/6

On Saturday our ceiling above our washer and dryer collapsed. Specifically it collapsed while I was under it and poured plaster and crap all over me. Now it is dripping water slowly into a bucket while we try to convince our landlord to let us out of our lease since this is the 7th flood in 12 months. Then Sunday was my future grandmother-in-law's 95th birthday so we were in CT all day Sunday.

Because of all of this I have not been on top of the working out like I should be and I feel horrible about it. I went for a half hour walk on my lunch break but that is still 15 minutes short of my goal. :(

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2

I spent 46 minutes on the Wii Fit today. I actually cried while working out because my weight shot up like 10 lbs in 2 days. Logically I know that is because I always weigh myself in the morning and for the past 2 days I've ended up weighing myself after dinner but I still felt like a failure at life looking at those numbers. When I wake up in the morning I will weigh myself then and the numbers should drop back to normal. Otherwise it looks like I have a month worth of crying while I exercise every day and that sounds less than pleasant.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1

Yay for April! I ate chocolate cupcakes, thin mints and tagalongs today. Oh they were good!

I also started my April challenge: 45 minutes of exercise every day no matter what. Today I spent 45 minutes on the Wii Fit. I feel good about that time, though I could have put in more effort and burned more calories. I am starting slow though and building to a crazy endurance. I think at the end of the month I am going to try to do a 30 minute run! To understand how impressive this is you need to understand I wouldn't normally run if you chased me with flaming chainsaws. If I can do that I will be super impressed with myself!